Neural therapy was developed between 1920 and 1930 by two German doctors, the brothers Walter and Ferdinand Huneke. It was by chance that they discovered that if a local anaesthetic called procaine were injected into certain parts of the body like scars, it could alleviate or heal pain in other body areas. The Huneke brothers called these particular parts “interference fields”. They also realised that this anaesthetic effect lasted longer than could be expected from the analgesic effect of the drug. Neural therapy involves identifying and addressing interference fields in order to heal pain.
Interference fields are areas of pathologically damaged tissue, such as scars, extracted or devitalised teeth, or organs affected by chronic inflammation like tonsils or the intestine. Based on the assumption that the extracellular matrix is a complex structure capable of transmitting information within the body as well as supporting tissue structure, damaged tissue can cause illness or pain in different areas of the body. In other words, alterations occurring in damaged tissue can interfere with the activity of nerve centres, altering the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. Injected into interference fields, procaine can normalise nerve signals and restore physiological balance as well as the body’s self-regulation abilities.
Neural therapy has a broad field of possible applications. Although it is mainly known for its palliative effects, it is also suitable for treating a wide range of disorders connected with the autonomic nervous system, including asthma, migraine, gastroesophageal reflux, reflex sympathetic dystrophy and irritable bowel syndrome.
In some cases, one therapy session is enough to achieve the desired results. However, several sessions (four or five on average) are often necessary to treat pain successfully.
There are no contraindications to neural therapy, except in cases of allergy to local anaesthetic or cholinesterase enzyme deficiency – a condition that reduces tolerance to neuromuscular relaxants. In any case, drug dosage in neural therapy is usually very low.
Written by MD Sergio Veneziani, Specialist in surgery, orthopaedics and traumatology